DIY Banner|Space theme decoration|Tips

So excited for my second post…

Today I am going to share my creativity with you all how to decorate a party with the space theme and make a banner. Each and every one of us wants to make the party memorable, one of the easiest ways is to customize the decor which goes with your theme. May it be Birthday, Anniversary, Bride to be, Engagement, baby shower or any other function why buy typical banners from the market. It takes few hours to customize and make the function eye-catching and unique. Here in this blog, I am sharing my experience of space theme party DIY decor.

Here are few points you should go for customizing

A. You can customize by your imagination (go crazy)

B. Colours of our choice (go colorful)

C. Amazing and unique themes (try something different)

D. Little effort and less time(yay… now I am talking about)

E. Satisfaction after seeing your end work (tad AAAA…)

F. Saves money (most important)

Everyone should agree that for any function decoration is something which makes one feel amazing. The banner takes its place in the center, so why not make one and show case our creativity.

Here is the step by step tutorial to create banner:

1.  First, take color chart paper, draw alphabets and cut on the markings. You can outline the alphabets once it’s cut to highlight it.

Tip1: To give quirky look you can have different size of alphabets and fonts.


2. Now take an equal size small chart paper contrast to the alphabets,  you can cut it in a rectangle, circle, heart shape, anything you like.

Tip 2: Before you paste the alphabets, place it the cutout shape to get an idea of the entire banner (once glued cannot be taken off)


3. Now, Take thread or lace and glue it behind the cards in sequence.

Tip 3: To hold the thread you can fold the card from behind and glue it.


4.The final step, this one is extra, you can go as creative as you can, here I have cut out the bottom of the card in a triangle shape to give it a different look. Added some stickers based on my sky theme.

Tip 4:  You can make it more attractive and creative by adding stickers, laces, ribbons.


Here are few samples which were taken from the internet to give you guys an idea how much creative you can get.

Now another part of the decoration, as we are focusing on the space theme, you can add stars, moon, sun, space ship, shuttle, planets, etc.



Space ship 

These are origami space ships.


You can refer to below videos for tutorials.







Space shuttle





These are also origami stars which give 3D look.


You can refer below link for a video tutorial.



What more you want then satisfied customer and their positive feedback.

These are few pictures sent by my client after decoration.



Let me hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Please let me know if you have made something creative like this.
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Loads of Love,

Namrata Kurade

One thought on “DIY Banner|Space theme decoration|Tips

  1. momitt25 says:

    Sucha a nice writeup and interesting way of celeberating events full of themes. Really like the space theme and the banners you made are out of this world. very contrasting and looking so colorful and beautiful. The galaxy you made is looking so vibrant as m looking to a real galaxy, it ahs comets , constellations, glowing stars and spaceships.


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